duminică, 14 octombrie 2012

Homework for IXB--deadline Thuersday 17th of October 2012

As I told earlier in class, your homework is for you to write a composition answering the following question:"Is Internet truly a friend four us?" Do not write more than 300 words and submit your homework as comments to this post. Please, do not submit answers after the deadline has passed.
Remember that a composition has three main parts:introduction, body and conclusion. because you have to answer a question, your composition will be a kind of argumentative essay (see how to make such an essay in Bank of materials, Writing section).
Thank you and excuse me for posting your homework so late!

57 de comentarii:

  1. With the advent of the online environment, called the Internet, have produced some major changes in human life. This service allows communicating with people in any corner of the Earth, we should know with any type of information in just a few seconds, even if we need a street address, a doctor, a job or whatever. The Internet for us teens is a very good friend and a true enemy.Us is a friend because we help to find some things for school but for us, we can talk with colleagues and friends from Romania and other countries, enemy because we spend a lot of time talking and playing on the computer and is no longer read books.Internet change us very much behavior and thinking.When talking with someone on the internet we have more courage because that person we can see and we can hide very well feelings. Once you enter, this world forfeits real world, leaving the old activities and some people in our lives.Because some are bored by real life begin to play virtual games. On the internet we can watch movies without going to the cinema, we find cartoons for children without the wait as fixed hours at times that were running these drawings, also the fact that we can buy any common necessity, from food to household appliances, houses, cars without us move in fairs or stores in this area. Both for us and for the parents, the Internet is part of our lives everyday, it is hard to believe that there are many people who do not have access to this service from material deprivation although we are in the 21st century. I like teens are trapped in this world of information since the early years of my life.

    1. Boboc Florina Georgiana

    2. -the first sentence of your composition has no predicate
      -these are not your ideas, they seem to be copied from somewhere, not to mention that there are a number of difficult words that you do not know!

  2. The Internet became very popular for many reasons. Few of these reasons are: online gaming, online studying and online shopping. But the major question people need to ask themselves: "Is Internet a friend or an enemy?". Many people have an oppinion. Some say that the internet can be our friend, because it helps us shop, study and chat with others through a social website such as Facebook or Yahoo. But there are others who say that the Internet can be a threat to us. For example, unexperienced users such as children can get internet viruses simply by clicking advertisments, or they can go on websites that contain inaproppriate footage for them. But even unexperienced adults can get certain viruses from websites. I would recommend them to use sites that contain no threats to the computer, such as Facebook, Twitter, Dailybooth etc. My oppinion on this question is that the Internet can be a friend but also a foe. The internet is used every single day, even by me. I usually use the Internet too. When I'm bored I play a game or two online. I check all the social websites I use (mostly Facebook). And when I'm extremly bored, I watch funny pictures and videos online. But I never use the Internet to go on inaproppriate websites or for other things I don't want to try, like online shopping. Also, you can learn many things from certain sites like Wikipedia. Or from the social websites about internet memes. Examples:"Forever alone";"rage guy";"Like a boss";etc.My favourite one would happen to be "overly attached girlfriend".
    In conclusion, the Internet is a friend but can also be an enemy if we're not too carefull.

    1. -very good piece of writing, but pay attention to layout, please!

  3. Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.

  4. Once you enter the world of the Internet you can not get out.In Romania the Internet has penetrated relatively slowly. Even now, for personal use, especially due to the very high costs of telephone services, is quite a bit used. The Internet is a very good friend because it helps us to find very much information, we can watch movies, it helps us in communicating with other people in Romania but also in alerts countries and many others and it can be our enemy because we teenagers spend very much time on the inernet and don't read books, we identify the real world and we start to play virtual games. These virtual games offer us the chance to be what we want to be and not what we are. Childhood games have also suffered. They moved in front of the block in front of the computer. There are also games that help children to be more responsible and more out as example: farm games, or those games that were about cleaning the House. Virtual communication has changed the classical communication from a psychological viewpoint. Through the classical communication was needed to meet as we can see, talk, let's go to the store if we need something, or to go to the cinema to see a film. Some guys stop playing football outside and decide to play Fifa on the computer. The Internet has become a popular place for many people where they spend very much time, affecting them negatively.In conclusion the Internet isn’t a truly frined for us.

  5. Internet shows how much people need to express themselves freely and to take account of their views. The Internet helps us to be better informed and especially easier and faster to communicate with family, colleagues, collaborators, business partners, communication between worlds - individuals, institutions, organizations. Many ways we are open, it remains only to choose. He is the tribune civic is therapy is learning is social.
                    Is another way to inform us and communicate. One is the book and the other is the Internet. One does not exclude the other.
    The Internet is truly a friend to us for help with information such as: some people may find their jobs, and information about what we want to know.
    But the Internet can also be an enemy to us, such as children who can not get viruses can certainly use the internet very easily, just press one click or certain games.
                     So a little tip of mine is: "In case you do not know how to use the Internet more bn ask someone to help."

    1. -pay attention to grammar--you miss the subjects in some sentences
      -explain your ideas better

  6. The Internet actually detracts from the communication abilities of society, especially the young. When our communication skills are gradually lessened, we begin ...spending less time talking to families, experiencing more daily stress, and feeling more lonely and depressed...In our formative teen years, lack of personal communication due to excessive Internet usage can have an overall negative effect on mental and physical health. Communication skills are critical for everyone, yet use of the Internet is undermining this development.
    Some argue that the Internet has a positive effect on social interactions because it allows us to form friendships online. However, the capacity to meet a virtually unlimited number of people through chat rooms, bulletin boards, and other services is actually extremely negative.
    There are dangerous people on the Internet who are a threat to young people. The ability to access anything and everything someone posts without knowing if their intent is malicious is a downside to the open transfer of information available on the Internet.

    1. - you lack conclusion
      -some of your ideas seem to be copied from various sources!

    2. I`ve got inspired , but I don`t copy for there. I just read something and got some ideeas :)

  7. i think the internet is a real friend because he shows us some things that we can not learn from books or other objects informative .Internet can be friend but if you are not careful we can become obssed with it and our live would be changed radically.If the internet did not exist the word would not be so informed about what happens in everiday life.Posiible that some families are far away but with the internet they can create an accont on facebook or messenger then they could comunnicate more wiyh loved ones.Internet can be used to feel free time with something we can ureters ada raining outside and we can not go inside the hause because of the rain when you go online and do your time with something ae talk with friends or do your homework or paly.
    I do not use for a long time the internet but when i use the internet i found many friends who talk on facebook or messenger i meet oll coolleagues and i had oppurtunity to millions of people know that i do not know

    1. - "objects informative"? I cannot understand that
      -you miss some words in certain sentences!
      -pay attention to layout!

  8. Is the internet a truly friend for us?

    The Internet gives us a new space of dialogue, exchange of ideas and not only. The internet is a tool that can be used good or bad. We can simply inform us and find useful things. On the internet you can read a book, you can play a game, you can listen to music or you can relax looking at a movie. The internet is used to confide us too. There are forums where everyone can learn from the experiences of others. But you might get more than you need and be unpleasant.
    On the internet you can make many friends. It is so fun to talk to friends in other cities and other countries on messenger. It is even more interesting when you know peoples who like the same things as you or who have beautiful things to tell you from where they stand. But because it is so fun to talk online you should be careful when you make new friends online. You never know who actually talk. There are many people who can tell you they are one and actually be someone else.
    The Internet can be a friend for us, but it all depends on how the user decides to use it.
    Paizs Stefan

    1. - it's not "looking at a movie"--it's "watch a movie"
      -"peoples" in plural means "popoare"
      -develop yout last idea!

  9. Internet is one of the largest communities calculatoare.He can be used in many fields, goals, interese.El us access to everything happening in the world.
    The internet is my best friend because with the help of Go to facebook, yahoo masenger, games and more. This gives me the opportunity to be aware of everything happening in the world of fashionable, sport, art and May asemeanea enable me to communicate with my friends any time of day or night. Internet access allows me vizionalizarea movies, listening to music and other things teenagers. The asemeanea over the Internet, as many other children and teens play logic games, action and multi player games that require network data from a network of Internet to be downloaded and then played. The asemeanea still use the internet for various essays, projects, topics such as the history, Romanian, physics, chemistry, biology, French and especially the englaza. For example even to this paper I use one of the many functions of the Internet that is "translated" by which translate some words, phrases and synonyms of some words you do not know or do not understand. Although parents often say that you should not spend much time in front of my computer or on the internet, I think they are wrong, because most teenagers need internet for all felu of essays, discussions, games and other information.
    Internet is very useful in finding teens and I, and probably most teenagers, I be dead without the internnet. Carstoc Robert Constantin clasa IX-B

    1. - this is tnaslated with google translate..pay attention that you have Romanian words among them!
      -pay attention to layout!

  10. The Internet is a true friend to me because if I find something and I do not know look online and find! I live on the internet only when required to do anything but wasting time and to talk with friends! Find any on the internet even clothing stores, jewelry, whatever you need. I use the internet almost daily, you may not have time and can not use the Internet. is another way, a way to communicate with friends.
    On the internet you can find games, applications, music, photos, movies, books and you can use too. Internet can also be an enemy of the child because if you learn to sit at the computer than ruin your view. For me it is a "friend" but I really try not to spend much time at the computer.The Internet makes life easier for parents in this regard. Games are free but some games you buy on the internet.The Internet can be used in many ways, if you have a laptop and if you have internet on it of course you can connect anywhere and talk to whoever you want.This is the internet for me and is a true friend! Viorica Ponci

    1. - you missed the introduction
      -you do not have a true conclusion paragraph!

  11. To this question opinions are divided , for exemple ,to me Internet , is something ordinary because I use it every day . I can use Internet for entertainment , or just because I want awnsers to some questions.But the Internet can be also an enemy , because it's not indicated to stay more than two hours per day , and like always " Rules were made to be violated " .Our eyes will be ruined in this case . I spend more than 50 percent of my time on Internet , and I can say ,that it's not so good .. when I'm on Internet I lose track of time ,and it's not ok . Another reason why the internet can be an enemy is because a lot of people (mostly children), download inappropriate content or get viruses from tons of sites. The websites that I mostly use are:Facebook,Youtube,Vplay,iTunes,Skype but mostly Facebook because it's very addicting.When I use the Internet, I try to be carefull not to get viruses from certain websites.The Internet can be our friend because most of the people use the Internet to study online, to shop online and to play games, but I'm not into those kind of things. My oppinion on the Internet is that it can be a friend, but also an enemy because a lot of people try to cyberbully or virus someone else's computer through websites and other downloaded content. In conclusion, the internet is both a friend and an enemy to mankind.

  12. The Internet is a lot of help, we provide a way to communicate with friends and family. With it you can help anytime you want to know something. You can play different games culture or others, you can listen to music, watching a movie with friends. You can make friends through various means. Most of his time in front caculatorului petrecm Internet, some may not have computers, but all have computers with Internet. The world is aware that the Internet is not very important because they can become addicted to it. This is very helpful for students. Students remove their papers or different information from different sites. Download their games, music, movies, photos, programs and more. I use the Internet primarily to communicate with friends, listen to music and to solve my homework. World opinion about the Internet is good because it is very helpful. My advice to people who use the Internet for the first time is to be informed from some experienced people.

    1. - pay attention to layout, pleae
      -develop your idea a bit more
      -introduce a closing paragraph!

  13. The Internet is a true friend, sometimes the best!
    That is my opinion that we can do so much on the Internet, such as online buying, to have network games, etc. Although some people consider him an enemy because they can easily get viruses, entering into all kinds of advertisements published. The best thing would be to use all secure sites, such as facebook or yahoo.
    The Internet is often blood on you can rely and trust that you will find some good help! We look for movies, music, photos and more, we can also create accounts and blogs to communicate with friends by sending us links to various games and other things, while teachers can give students homework and other information they might need. For me it is very important communication network, because it allows us to talk anytime, with anyone and you can get to know wonderful people.
    But I still believe every negative internet is a source for children. I say this because they accest everywhere, which is not very well also lose almost all day at the computer.
    However for me remains the best thing that I always use it and always find what I'm doing.

    1. - the internet is not a "him", it's "it"
      -"The Internet is often blood on you can rely and trust that you will find some good help!"--this is a bit unclear
      -you miss subjects in cercatin sentences!

  14. Many people would like to know the answer for this question:Is internet truly a friend for us?I think that Internet is a friend for me but sometimes is an enemy too.Is a friend when i play games and search different things for me but it could be an enemy when i stare too long at the computer because it attracts me too much.
    I like to surf on the Internet because I spend time looking for something interesting or to play games online with my friends.When I play a game or listen a song or watch a movie I'm excited of this.I need to be careful if I want to have healthy eyes.I know that without Internet i can't live now because its a part of my life.I think that for me Internet is a friend more than an enemy and I enjoy the time spent on the computer.
    Internet not helps only for entertainment it helps for homework too.When i need some informations about any lesson I search and find pictures informations which helps me a lot at school.It's a fast way because u can't find in books or magazines in such a short time details about something.My mother don't let me to play games too much on the Internet because she say that it's not healthy for me but if I would look at a documentary about general knowledge she would let me.I'm sure that both means the same:helps but hurts too.When my computer is damaged i fell so upset and i want to repair it quickly to look on the Internet.In the past there were no computers and no Internet but nowadays especially teenagers including me like to have a social life on Facebook.Talking with friends and make friends.
    Real life is more interesting than virtual life but we must recognize that Internet is a part of our life and without it we can't live a truly modern life.

    1. -pay attention to word order--sometimes you misplace them within the sentence!
      -good essay, though!

  15. The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (often called TCP/IP, although not all applications use TCP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. People use the internet every single day. Most of the people (including me), like to use the internet to chat online with other friends and/or relatives. The internet is a very useful tool but it also has it's drawbacks. It can be a friend to us, because it contains information that we need in our life, and it's also the best way to have fun, whenever you are bored and you don't have anyone around to have fun with. I usually acces the internet to go on Facebook and Yahoo, but also to look for information about subjects I am concerned with. But the reasons that the internet is an enemy for us, is because people spread viruses unwillingly and unknowingly on the internet. So when people access that content, download it or go on the sites, Their computers will recieve viruses that will destroy the computer. It is best to use the internet with caution, and have an expert to help you if you are having dificulties.Another problem is that adults need to be aware of their children when they access sites or talk with strangers online, that ask for their personal information, and giving out personal information online is very dangerous.In conclusion, the internet is a useful tool but also has drawbacks that can be dangerous if we're not too carefull. By Adela Adam

    1. - pay attention to layout
      -some ideas seem to be copied from various sources, such as the Internet?!?
      -you did not state your personal opinion

  16. The internet can be a friend for us. we can play on it, we can talk with people from far away and learn from their countries and traditions and we can watch videos and download them as well as music.The people have different oppinions about the internet. Most of the people say that the internet is good for us, because it helps us learn something new everyday and because people have fun while playing online. But a few peoplesay that the internet is nothing but trouble. It puts some people in danger and it has stuff that younger people are not allowed to watch. My oppinion is that the internet is a friend for us. I love spending time on sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Skype, Yahoo and many others. I don't find the internet a threat but everyone should have an oppinion. I haven't had a problem using the internet and I don't think I will have one. But it frustrates me when I lose the track of time, especially when I have work to do or other problems to deal with. But when I get bored of the outside world, I log on Facebook and Yahoo and find someone to chat with.The internet also has sites to help people find answers to questions about books or any other stuff. Examples of such sites are Yahoo Amswers, Google, Wikipedia and others. So I guess the internet is a preety usefull thing to have around. And I will keep using it when I'm able to and when I need to.

  17. In 21 century i’m sure that each of us heard about internet,and almost everyone use it every day,because is a fast and easy way to access information.
    Today the internet become the most important way for information,comunication etc. Therefore most of us have computers,laptops (and newer phons)with internet,because the humanity would be nothing without internet. Most people who use the Internet are teenagers who spend a long while at the computer playing games, listening to music on Youtube,or accessing social networking sites lise:FaceBook,Twitter,but they can almost talking whith their friends on messenger.
    In a word the internet is a lifestyle.But often it can cause problems and can be dangerous ,becouse we don’t use it correctly.We need to be very carefully and protect our personal information like C.N.P or the adress where we live and thinks similar to those, becouse this information can be used by unknoun people to harm us without us knowing.This is the reason that wee need to use protected sites there are capable to protect this important things.
    Newest the companies create sites with which make their services known to their coustumers,they open almost shoops online ,witch are very easy to use and is a way to buy things quickly because companies deliver them home.The internet is also increasingly used in Schools becouse is a fast way to do homework,or project’s ,that is the reason why more and more teacher’s choose to use it.
    In conclusion the internet is a friend that can help us and the whole world fast and easy ,but is also a danger if we don’t use it correctly and with atention it can turn into our worst enemy.

    Suciu Simona Ioana

  18. The internet is a good friend for us.Internet help us to find more informations,to play games,to communicate with friends or with people who are far away.Also we can use a online dictionary,the horoscope or follow weather forecast.On the internet we can find very fast summaries or movies.The internet is a true friend for us because he help us very much but is not as good like a real friend because the internet can't listen to our problems and help us to solve our problems.The internet can't be there when you need a shoulder to cry or when you need a hug to feel better.The internet help us to do our homeworks,we can download games,applications,photos,videos,music and also you can read a book online and in this way you save time because you don't have to go to the library.With the internet help we can buy online clothes,jewels and some people who are really busy buy even food.On the internet you find very easy applications for mobile.With the internet help we can chat with our friends and mates.I usually use the Youtube,Facebook,Twitter,Yahoo messenger and sometimes Vplay to watch serials.The internet is a good friend but for children of these days is a obsession.The internet helps me very much so is a truly friend for me.
    Oprea Alieta Cristina

    1. -pay attention to layout
      -you missed conclusion
      -develop your ideas a bit more

  19. In this generation everyone uses the internet expecially teenagers. The internet is a means of information and communication in continous development and transformation,a library huge,is a computer system that works on large areas.Some people use the internet for work,another for games,another for facebook and yahoo messenger,another for fun,another for evil purposes and much more. The internet is truly a friend of us because when we search on the internet we cand find information for many subject that interests us. ln the internet we can interact with friends using social application like facebook or twitter(zii si uh asta) and we can read the news that happends in the world.For some people the internet is a friend and for other not.For people addicted ,the internet is best friend,and for other is just fun.Internet is our friend because we help,meet new people through the internet, we make new friends,we communicate more easy,we listen to music and much more.However, Internet creates dependence,dnd that's a bad thing.You can do your accounts on different sites, can download different programs, pictures and much more.
    Why the Internet are not a good friend for us?For example, we know some people that I want to meet as friends, but that we do something wrong. Some people you can lie, be suspicious.If you can not know if the person behind the computer is boy or girl.Some sites should not be on the Internet, because young people use the Internet more,some sites are not recommended for teenagers.Online games causes dependence.Today everything is on the Internet.We need to use the Internet with care,because it can be dangerous.The internet is good and bad in the same time.For most teenagers, the internet is a good friend. By Ciki Ioana Alexandra

    1. - I cannot find your personal opinion in here!
      -you missed the closing paragraph1


  20. The question is :"Is the internet truly a friend for us?".Well,there are so many ways to answer this question.
    If someone is addicted to internet,then the internet is his/her best friend.But I don't think so! The internet is a very good way to find about things that you are interested in,but it can also"do" bad staff.Like when someone gives informations to a site and the he/she got problems because of the given informations.You can moke other people suffer just by posting a clip on Youtube or a private information,like a disease,on Facebook.So internet is good and bad in same time.Like on Facebook or any other site,you can moke allot of friends with you can meet,but not every time those friends are who they say they are.If you meet someone on the Internet,and that person says it's a boy or girl,and that have you many things in common,that doesn't mean is true,it can be an older person who wants to heart you.
    Everyone can use the Internet,but with precaution,you can't know whos behind the sweet words,you know..,words come easily on internet,when you are not infront of that person,and it happend to me.So internet can be a friend and also an enemy,so be just have to take care of what we talk or post on the Internet.We can't know who can see what we've written.So,we can make the Internet to be our friend or enemy.It all cames up to us to decide if the internet is on our side ,or againstus,it is our choisse. By Mirea Cristina

    1. - pay attention to layout!
      -you need to re-arrange your ideas within the paragraphs
      -good ideas, though!

  21. Internet is my friend or not?

    The Internet for me is a "friend" who helps me on many things, such as:
         -To communicate with others (domestic or abroad)
         -Let's look at movies, videos, programs, reoprtaje, interviews and more ....
         - The Internet can be used as a giant library full of papers, books, photos and many other informal help.
        -For some people-helping Internet at work, so they do their duties faster and easier it is.
       Nowadays, the Internet is a teenager like me very much, it is our own virtual world where we can be found. We all spend hours in front of the computer every day, whether we read, whether online socializing with friends, whether we expose Facebook or Hi5 life.
      The computer is a necessity, do not even know what it looks like my life before my first computer. How about living without internet, computer, phone did not fit in it. But addiction is not! I just society that inhabited adapted and simplified my life considerably.
      Some say that the Internet is a real danger to young, most of them have become dependenti.Ei spend most of their time on the internet, playing some games, sitting for hours on facebook and other social sites known or doing other activities that only make them useless bad. But even once from now on do not think it will give it, is very useful and sometimes have to be consequences.

      So in conclusion, the Internet can be a friend but an enemy, depending on which party is seen. Always there is this question (The Internet is our friend or foe).

    1. -in an essay you are not allowed to use dots, headlines, etc.; all the ideas have to be written in full sentences
      -good ideas, though!

  22. The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (often called TCP/IP, although not all applications use TCP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to support email
    I think that the Internet is friend for me because i use it often.The Internet helps me to do my homework,to get informatinos and to acces my theacher'sblog.Using the Internet i can read the books,i can play games , i can listen music or even to do shopping.tor example last year i bought a violion without travel.I just ordered and in 2-3 days the violion was home.Accesing the Internet i can speak with my friens an d i can spend my free time.Internet is useful if you use it very much you will be dependent.Sometimes is good to avoid the Internet for your own good.In conclusion i think that the Internet is a friend for me but should not be used all the time,just when is necessary. By Roxana Stefanescu

    1. - the first part of your essay is copied from the Internet
      - pay attention to layout
      -you missed a closing paragraph
      -develop your own ideas a bit more

  23. Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.

  24. In my oppinion , the Internet is a good freind, but sometimes it is an enemy.The internet is a very big help in everyone's life.
    For me, the internet is important but sometimes I don't use it because I don't want to have an obsession for it.Internet is very useful.For example it helps us with the homework:essays or other information that we need and the ones that are unknown.One of the most important social networks is Facebook.Most teenagers have a facebook account and so do I .Facebook helps me meet my classmates and to begin a friendship with them.
    I can't say that the internet is very important in my life, but many times I know that I couldn't handle without it.People use the internet almost everyday so it's safe to say that most of us couldn't manage without it.
    In conclusion,I believe that the internet is a good friend because it offers us many benefits but it can also destroy our minds so we better use it carefully.

    By Alina Minecuta

    1. - you didn not separate your writing in clear paragraphs
      - develop your ideas, the composition is too short!

  25. The internet is a good place for people to relax, after a stressfull day. People go online all the time. Some go on the internet to play, some go to chat, and some go for unknown reasons. I believe that the internet is very good for us because we can have fun while accessing it, but sometimes people cand get too attatched to it and eventually become obsessed. I don't have such problems although I use the internet. I access the internet every day, but I also go outside with my friends. I access websites such as:Google, facebook, youtube, gametracker, diavola and replayyoutube.There are people who would agree with me when I say that the internet is very addicting but some say that it's not true although they use more than others. There are also some cases where people don't use the internet, some don't use it because they don't need it, and others don't use the internet simply because they don't have it. Most of the people use the internet to chat or to play, and there are some who use it to conduct buisness. I use the internet to have fun while I'm still young. Also if I have homework to do, and I need some information, the internet can be of use to me. I use google to search for what I need and I allways find what I need. As a conclusion, the internet is a friend to me and not the other way around, mainly because it helped me so far and I hope it allways will.

    Andrei Miia

    1. - write clear paragraphs in such a composition
      -you need a conclusion
      -develop your ideas

  26. The Internet is a good friend of man, as good as the dog, maybe better. Still small, we educate the mysteries of the Internet, perhaps too well.
    It is one of the best ways to communicate with my friends, and the rest of the world, why not?
    By any means we can communicate virtually new site like Facebook, Twitter, and Skype, why not?
    When my family or my friends are in abroad, just leave a message, and I made ​​more beautiful day.
    On the internet are many entertainment media, Youtube site can watch videos, listen to music, I can see my favorite vlog.
    The Internet is a very useful thing, especially when I want to use it for educational purposes.
    I'm always informed, it is not difficult to make a search on Wikipedia.
    With Facebook's absolutely know what is happening online, see pictures, give shares, give likes and I know where my friends are, what they say: "You doesn't have facebook, you doesn't exist." !
    On the internet, I found a lot of new interesting things. I prefer to write to someone than to speak.
    I can play my favorite games. I can do everything I like on the internet, it's fun. But all have a limit. And when I'm out, I'm connected to the Internet via mobile phone.
    The Internet is useful, and I'd do without him hard.
    I love the internet, and I don't know what I'd do without it.

    1. -re-arrange your ideas in 4-5 paragraphs, not more
      -little grammatical errors

  27. The internet is an essential part of our life.We work or relax on the internet.Using the internet is very useful and interesting for me ,for most of time , I just surf in the Internet, looking for some resources for free.But in time ,i learned that the internet can creates dependence .
    People can get information all around the world ,they can talk with many people in other country using the e-mail , people can used the internet to see different pictures. I always try to search in internet and find interesting things , subject and news .I mainly use the internet for music , pictures or to check my e-mail or facebook .
    I think that internet comes with many advantages but not just that. The internet has disadvantages too.
    Internet benefits are : internet is very useful service it save the time and doing work very fast for exemple : paying bills , do shopping and we also can find jobs on the internet.And the disadvantages on the internet are there to many pornografy pictures , that can make children want to do it .I think that in our society nowadays so many people taje advantage of the internet even to do bad things.Therefore , people should know how to control the time and the way using internet.The internet has both advantages and disadvantages . I belive it depends on how people use it . For me , the internet is like a huge encyclopedia . It is trully useful when i do my homework , study languages and make new friend across the world .
    If all people will realize that internet was made for good purposes then yes , the internet can be a friend , but just a friend !!!
    By Guran Liddia

    1. - re-arrange your ideas into paragraphs
      -payy attention to "If clauses"

  28. Is internet truly a friend for us?

    Internet can be a friend if you know how to use it. In the 80's people could not imagine that the idea of internet, that was so little developed, would be named by some a true friend.

    To begin with, I would like to point out that the internet is a very useful resource for everybody, especially for us students. For example, when we have a homework, an essay or a project internet becomes a true friend. It provides us all kind of information and it enlarges our thinking when dealing with a difficult topic. In addition, besides the information it gives us on different subjects, the internet knows all about our favorite movies, music, singers, and even about our friends and their lives. The internet also offers us an opportunity to communicate with close friends and with the ones that live far from us.

    On the other hand, network can be an enemy when we are talking about social live and real live communication. When surfing the internet we sometimes lose track of time and we find ourselves wasting our whole day and at one point we think we can't live without it . Even if we don't realize, we are dependent of it . There are websites where people post all sorts of information about themselves that might not be true, but they want other people to believe so. This is a negative thing for our development as social human beings living in a community, and also for our personality.

    In conclusion, if it is used for the right reason for which it was created, internet is a good friend that will help you in need. So let's use the internet for the right reason and also let's not forget that it was created to serve the humans and not the other way around!
    Lazar Roxana Cristina


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