duminică, 14 octombrie 2012

Homework for IXB--deadline Thuersday 17th of October 2012

As I told earlier in class, your homework is for you to write a composition answering the following question:"Is Internet truly a friend four us?" Do not write more than 300 words and submit your homework as comments to this post. Please, do not submit answers after the deadline has passed.
Remember that a composition has three main parts:introduction, body and conclusion. because you have to answer a question, your composition will be a kind of argumentative essay (see how to make such an essay in Bank of materials, Writing section).
Thank you and excuse me for posting your homework so late!

vineri, 28 septembrie 2012

Homework for XA-- deadline Friday 5th of October 2012

As i told you in class earlier today, your homework is to submit a composition with the title:"My dream job is...". Please, complete your title and do not write more than 300 words. Do not forget about the general outline of a composition:introduction, body and conclusion!
Submit your homework as comments to this post, no later than the deadline mentioned in my title. Thank you!

luni, 17 septembrie 2012


Welcome to scholl, all of you! May you have a good study year and have good results! Remember you can always find me, whenever you need and whatever I can do for you, I will do my best.
Looking forward to see you again!

marți, 29 mai 2012

Homework for XI A--deadline June 5th 2012

Write a composition where you argue on the theme :"What does Art mean to you"? Do not write more than 200 words (your composition should contain 150-200 words). Please, post your homework as comments to this assignment in due time.
Thank you!

vineri, 18 mai 2012

Homework for IX A--deadline May 31th 2012

Remember we discussed the Shakespearean sonnets in class? Your homework is to post information about sonnets in general (general knowledge, stanzas, themes, types etc), whatever you can find on the internet, so that we can sort the information and draw a conclusion about them.
Post your homework as answers to this post by the date mentioned in the title.
Thank you!

marți, 8 mai 2012


Hope everything is OK now and you can post comments, as you did before. If not, let me know about this! Thank You!

duminică, 6 mai 2012

Homework for IX B--deadline 12th of May 2012

Sorry for posting your homework later than I promised..hope you can forgive me:)
Please write a composition about how you use your free time. Describe your hobbies, activities and say why you like them so much. Give examples and do not write more than 250 words.
Take into consideration the fact that your composition has to contain at least three paragraphs.
Submit your homework as answers to this post.
Thank you!

joi, 3 mai 2012


From now on, this blog is officially closed from the point of view of anonymous comments, or those comming from outside our community. This means that you have to register (below the "Our community" button) so that you can post comments and submit homework. Thank you!

Homework for XA--deadline 10th of May 2012

Write a composition discussing the advantages and disadvantages of using the internet. Do not write more than 250 words. Post your writings as comments to this post. Thank you!

miercuri, 28 martie 2012

Tongue twisters--alliteration

Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper
A peck of pickled pepper Peter Piper picked
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pepper
Where's the pickled pepper Peter Piper picked?
sent by Cristina Neculoiu


Spring is green
Summer is bright
Autumn is brown 
And winter is white
by Neculoiu cristina, IX B

No title rhyming verses

In a night a flower 
Is taking a shower
The birds are looking 
And they're wondering...
By Bardan Bianca 
Cls a IX-B

On-line magazine

This blog can also work as our on-line magazine. This means that here you can post your literary creations(poems, essays, stories, articles etc), various articles dealing with your preoccupations, science, news, jokes etc.(the  compulsory condition is for YOU to be the author of everything you submit--do not copy-paste, please).
In this section you can display your talent, skills and will to develop your knowledge. Also, you can interract by means of comments.
Hoping that I drew your attention, I am waiting for your pieces of work!
Thank you!

marți, 27 martie 2012

Homewrok for XIIB--deadline 3rd of April 2012

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Grades (marks) encourage students to learn. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. 

Please submit your answers by April, the 3rd, 2012, by means of comments (don't forget to sign them, so that I can realise who is the author). Do not write more than 300 words in your answers. For further information on how to structure the answers, you may find inspirations in  argumentative essay writing.
I will appreciate it if you send your answers as comments to this post.
I will not take into consideration the answers submitted later than this deadline.

duminică, 25 martie 2012

English courses

Recently I have received a message and I pass it to you, if you are interested (in case you wish to participate, e-mail me and I will give the attachment I also got):

In perioada 27 - 29 aprilie 2012 un curs de limba engleza sustinut de o prof de la The London Language Centre din cadrul University College London, Dolores Ditner.
Locatie: Libraria  OKIAN
Durata: 4 ore/zi
Grupa de varsta: 16 - 18 ani
Pret: 400 lei
 Cursul vizeaza atat dezvoltarea abilitatilor lingvistice cat si consilierea in vederea intocmirii documentatiei necesare pentru cei care doresc sa devina studenti la universitati europene.

sâmbătă, 24 martie 2012

Homework for X A--deadline Thursday 29th of March 2012

Remember I have taught you when and how to use the present tenses and past simple and continuous? Well, your homework will consist in writing a composition using these tenses. The title and the topic of your piece of writing is at your own choice. do not write more than 200 words.For further inspiration (on how to use the tenses mentioned above), see the bank of materials (grammar). For inspiration oh how to write a composition,see Articles, as they are  very much alike.
Please, submit your homework as comments to his post and don't forget to sign them.
I will not take into consideration the answers submitted later than the deadline. 
Thank you!

Homewrok for IX A--deadline Thursday 29th of March 2012

As I have already announced you, your homework will consist in submitting a recipe of your favourite food, or a recipe at your choice. Please, be clear and well structured in your writing. Mention all the ingredients and how you prepare your recipe.
Please, submit your homework as comments to this post and don't forget to sign them, so that I know who the author is.
I will not take into consideration the answers submitted later than the deadline.
Thank you!

joi, 22 martie 2012

Homework for XII C--deadline Wednesday 28th of March 2012

As I have already anounced you during the class we had on Wednesday, this week, your homework is the following one. For this particular homework, you have the possibility to submit it either online, as a comment to this post, or on paper. This is up to you, but the deadline id the same for both ways. For further information, remember how to write a reflective essay.
I will not take into consideration the homework submitted later than this deadline

Thank you! 

Choose from the title below to plan and write one essay of between 600 and 700 words. Take special care to interpret the topic and establish the type of your essay. Alegeţi unul dintre titlurile de mai jos pentru a planifica şi redacta un eseu de 600-700 cuvinte. Înainte de a începe interpretaţi subiectul şi stabiliţi tipul viitorului eseu:
On having a mind
On maturity
On human nature
On being an outcast
On having fights

Homework for IX B--deadline Tuesday 27th of March 2012

"You have had a class discussion on the importance of family in a child's education. Your teacher asked you to write a composition on the topic, giving your opinion and sustaining it with some arguments. Do not write more than 250 words"

Please, submit your answers as comments to this post , trying to meet your deadline.
I will not take into consideration the answers submitted later than the deadline above.

For further information, you can find inspiration here (how to write artcles--as compositions are shorter forms of general articles)
Thank you!

miercuri, 21 martie 2012


When you sign in this community, I will ask you to either sign in with your full name, or attach a picture of yourself, so that I can have a clue of who exactly is posting comments or submitting homework. Otherwise, I cannot mark your activity in here.

Thank you!

Homework for XII A--deadline March 25th 2012

Argue for or against the following statement: "Only people who know how to make music can really enjoy listening to it"

Please submit your answers by Sunday, 25th of March, 2012, by means of comments (don't forget to sign them, so that I can realise who is the author). Do not write more than 300 words in your answers. For further information on how to structure the answers, you may find inspirations in  argumentative essay writing.
I will appreciate it if you send your answers as comments to this post.
I will not take into consideration the answers submitted later than this deadline.

Thank you!

Oral examination--preliminaries

LIMBA ENGLEZĂ--competente

Structura subiectelor:
Proba orală conţine trei subiecte, formulate după cerinţele programei de bacalaureat şi a manualelor alternative, fără însă a face referire la un anumit manual:

Subiectul I-  monologue --answering about your personality—va consta in realizarea unei scurte prezentari a unei teme date din universul personal al candidatului, complexitatea subiectului si a raspunsurilor fiind foarte redusa.
Subiectul II+ III- monologue (oral discourse)—va consta în realizarea unui discurs oral pe o temă dată, conform domeniilor tematice din programa şcolară şi din programa de bacalaureat (textele nu fac referire la un manual anume, dar acest lucru nu exclude studierea lor, deoarece ele constituie un bun exerciţiu pentru candidaţi, în sensul că îi ajută să lucreze cu ele).Complexitatea subiectelor  si a raspunsurilor candidatului creste treptat, astfel incat subiectul III sa aiba gradul de dificultate cel mai ridicat.

Sursa textelor şi temelor  pentru comunicarea orală este reprezentată de articole din ziare şi reviste, broşuri, internet, texte ficţionale şi non-ficţionale din cărţi publicate în spaţiul britanic şi american. Domeniile din care acestea sunt extrase sunt următoarele:

-          identity, ideals, feelings
-          home, family, friends, acquaintances, relationships
-          clothing, personal health, diet
-          books, pets, plants, hobbies
-          meals, food and drinks, eating habits
-          family occasions, holidays and trips
-          entertainment and leisure activities: TV and radio programmes, reading, music
-          incidents, accidents, happenings, events
-          everyday life and living routine etc.

- railways, airports, means of transport, travels (by air/land/sea)
- shops, supermarkets, shopping
- sports, games, sporting events, sportsmen
- theatre, cinema, museums, exhibitions
- hotels, pubs, restaurants, services
- the media: television, radio, newspapers and magazines
- advertising, the environment
- customs and traditions; social, historical and political events etc.
-          school/college life, classes, subjects, teachers, mates, learning strategies, careers
-          visits, trips; exchanges matches, competitions
-          libraries, computers, books vs. computers
-          festivals, shows, cultural events
-          books: stories, short-stories, novels, plays etc.

-          human achievements in science and technology
-          human rights, democratic values, responsibilities, (in)justice
-          (in)tolerance, extremism, terrorism
-          wars, conflicts, dangers; peace struggle
-          positive thinking, prejudices, stereotypes
-          elements of British and American culture and civilisation etc.

Oral examination subjects--solved variants

7. Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
The first payday is a date to remember for the rest of our lives. Earning our own money is very important especially when we are young and need our independence. But also, when we are young we need a lot of things so, even if we enjoy our first salary we end up at the end of the day thinking it is not enough and we should work more to have more money to buy everything we need. Probably people are rarely happy with their salary because nowadays we have to buy so much. There are so many things we have never thought about in the past and now we have to have them.
And also, there are too many places to visit, holidays at the seaside or in exotic countries, new clubs and restaurants. For all this we need money. So, when to save money, or better said, what money is there to be saved when our salary is hardly helping us to keep up with our pressing wishes and dreams?
Generally people think that in youth they do not need to raise money. They will have enough time to save it when they are older because then they won’t need so many things. But this is wrong. Our needs sometimes grow with the age. We get married, have children, our expenses grow and sometimes it’s more difficult to put money aside when we are older. At that moment we need to save money for the children for their education, for their needs.
In my opinion we have to think about saving money since we start working. We can make a life insurance or a health insurance, save money into a private pension account or just put a sum of money into a bank account. In this way, whenever we need money we know that there is a place we can go and get it. 
There are moments in our lives when we need money and either if we are old or young we have to think about those moments and I believe that it is very useful to have an account for the rainy days.

Oral examination subjects--solved variants

6. If you could change one important thing about your hometown, what would you change? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
I love my town. I believe it is a very beautiful town. Brasov is an old town, with beautiful buildings and full of history. 
Our town has gone under a lot of changes lately but the most visible one has been the work that has been done to our roads. All the roads big or small were altered in a certain way lately, to adapt to the huge wave of cars that appeared in the past years.
Our city is old with narrow streets especially in the old city centre. There are not enough parking spaces, the roads are always crowded and this is difficult for drivers and for pedestrians in same way.
The sidewalks became narrower so that the roads can get a second lane. In this way sometimes it’s very difficult to walk because the sidewalks become so very crowded.
If I were to change something in this city I would definitely change the way people try to make more space for the cars without taking into consideration the pedestrians, especially in the old part of the town when people go to enjoy the view, to shop, to sit around the fountain in the Council Square, to listen to the concerts organized there.
What I would do? I would restrict the driving access in the city centre, and like in other European cities I would add a road tax for the drivers that want to drive into the city centre. In this way, I think there would be less traffic jams, and we won’t end up without sidewalks.
I would make a bike lane, so that children can enjoy riding their bikes, particularly because the bike lane they have in the central park is very narrow and difficult to use.
I totally agree that cars should have their rights in our lives but we should fight against pollution that affects the old buildings and the noise the people who live there have to put up with.
When we do something we have to think about all of us, we have to consider all the options, not to see only one side of the coin.

Oral examination subjects--solved variants

5. How do movies or television influence people's behaviour? Use reasons and specific examples to support your answer.
Since 1895 when the Frenchman Luis Lumiere invented the first motion picture camera, more than 100 years passed. The movie industry evolved becoming one of the most popular means of entertainment. Throughout the time different topics were the viewer’s favourites, from great books, to war stories, science fiction movies, and many others. The movies changed with the viewers’ tastes and the industry developed very much. Most of the movies people watch nowadays are made by the biggest industry of dreams called Hollywood. Nowadays there are movies made for young children, for teenagers, for gown ups, for the whole family and for every age.
In my opinion, children are the first affected by what they see on TV or on DVD. They are too young to understand the difference between reality and fiction, and sometimes mix these two up. In children’s movies there is a lot of violence. The heroes fight for rights, territories, in the name of a great good. Children identify themselves easily with all sorts of characters and end up copying their behaviour, fighting with the colleagues at school, hitting them or behaving badly at home with parents.
But this does not only happen with children, also teenagers are exposed to the danger of copying their models on the big screen. Teenagers start smoking easier if one of their idols is smoking in a teen movie, or get drunk. Many teenagers want to copy the stars’ appearance and try to lose weight ending up with serious diseases like bulimia.
Whether we watch TV or movies, it’s one and the same thing. We can watch on TV the same movies we watch at the cinema or on DVD. And furthermore, on TV there are a lot of channels dedicated to children entertainment and many shows, some of them quite damaging. For example, there are children who spend too much time in front of the TV, they lose the contact with the real life, they overeat, they lose self-confidence, and social abilities.
In my opinion parents should be very attentive and look after their children, encourage them to make friends, and restrict their time in front of the TV.

Oral examination subjects--solved variants

4. Some people prefer to live in a small town. Others prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to live in? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
Living in a small town is beautiful, everybody knows everybody, you breathe fresh air, and also you live in a safer environment.
But I would never change my beautiful town with a small town. Why do I love my town, Brasov, so much?
Because whenever I want to go to a disco, I have several places to choose from. I never get bored because every time I can choose a different place and make new friendships with people I haven’t met before. And this is great. I even meet tourists that come into my city because they love the history and the landscapes.
My friends and I go skating and skiing in the winter and have a lot of fun and in the summer we ride our bikes and walk in the park. 
Another reason I love my town is that I have many places where I can go shopping. Lately, several malls were built in the city with movie theatres where I can go with my friends and have a great time watching the latest movies sitting in comfortable chairs and eating popcorn.
 My city is also a beautiful old fortress that was once surrounded by defence walls and towers that protected it against the enemies. In smaller cities you cannot find so many beautiful buildings, monuments and that much history as you can find in a big city like mine. There are so many history lessons I can learn just by living in this beautiful city that has grown so much lately.
In our city we have the opera, theatre and also we have a well know music festival called the Golden Stag that is organized every summer. Another thing that I like is that also in the summer there are organised a lot of concerts in the Council Square, which is a beautiful square in the old part of the city. There are also famous singers and bands that come and sing in our city. This is great because I don’t have to travel in other cities to see my favourite bands or find entertainment.
These are just some of the reasons I like living in a big city, the city I grew up in. 

Oral examination subjects--solved variants

3. Damage of the environment is an inevitable consequence of worldwide improvements in the standard of living. Discuss.
The environment suffers because of the growth of the population. There are so many people living in urban areas lately, big cities get bigger and bigger each day. People realise that they need more things to make their lives more comfortable.
We watch on TV every day commercials that try to persuade us to buy new things for our houses, new gadgets for our computers, new and more comfortable cars. But what do we do with all the old stuff that we don’t need any more? Well, we might throw them away not realising that we damage the environment.
We love to go shopping at the new, big and welcoming supermarkets or malls. We buy so many products at once. We put them in the shopping bags we get for free at the checkout. But what we don’t realise is that all those plastic bags destroy the environment because they take between 20 and 1,000 years to break down and are able to float and blow long distances within our environment. While they exist in our environment, they choke, suffocate, and cause intestinal blockage in thousands of animals including birds, fish, whales, turtles and many other living creatures.
Because we want to improve our living standards we use the earth’s resources too quickly, too fast and sometimes on unnecessary things. Cars consume too much gas; home appliances consume too much electricity. We cut down the forests that need thousands of years to grow back, and the worst part is, that we don’t try to find quickly enough ways to replace everything we consume. We don’t even care about all the trees we cut and never think to plant new ones, destroying our source of clean air and oxygen.
Pollution is one of the main factors that destroy our environment. This is all due to global industrialization. Big factories don’t even think about closing down and the methods they find to cut down pollution are not fast enough for the already over-polluted cities. 
We should be more aware of our environment and try to think that there are future generations to come after us, and they also need to enjoy their lives as much as we do.

Oral examination subjects--solved variants

2. Do you agree with the idea that children should be raised by their grandparents? Why yes/no?
Parents are the most important persons in children’s lives. They become the role model and they shape their children’s personalities.
But, sometimes being a parent proves to be very difficult. In the past years in our country was hard to find a well paid job and this is the reason why parents either found work in another city or abroad. This is the reason why they had to find someone to look after their children who needed a stable environment to grow up in. In these situations, parents think that the most reliable person they should trust their most valuable treasures are their own parents. In this way, children move in with grandparents who try, for a long or short period of time to replace the parents.
If it’s good or bad that children are raised by grandparents it’s difficult to stay, that depends on each and every situation. Though, it is much better that parents raise their son or daughter. Why?
Sometimes grandparents spoil the child too much, overwhelming him or her with too much affection trying to replace the emptiness left by the parents’ departure. 
Another problem raised by the substitute-parents is that the gap between generations is twice wider this time, and this can cause irreconcilable problems. For example the 2000s generation has a totally different view of life than that of their parents, not mentioning that of their grandparents who sometimes find it difficult to adapt to these new times we are living, to the new technology, lifestyle, and needs of the young generation. All this can lead to either giving too much freedom to their granddaughter or grandson, or isolating him/her too much. In the end this leads to strong arguments between them and can end up in children’s losing their bearings. This leads to drugs consuming, running away from home, or finding untrustworthy friends. Parents, because they see their children rarely, don’t understand their real problems and also tend to offer too much affection and sometimes objects which, in their opinion, can replace their presence.
Of course, grandparents are great people and they can definitely raise a child properly but, in my opinion it is much better that children live with their parents.

Oral examination subjects--solved variants

1. We are becoming overwhelmingly dependent on computers. Is this dependence on computers a good thing or should we be more suspicious of their benefits? Give arguments and examples to support your ideas.
People love the new technology that evolves so quickly nowadays. Everywhere we go we can see advertisements to the newest personal computer, laptop or a mobile phone that has almost all the characteristics of a PC.
Yes, we are becoming overwhelmingly dependent on computers because they make our lives so much easier. Having a computer helps us with our homework. If I am a student, for example, I am in need of writing an essay for a subject so that I can present it to the teacher in a proper manner, making a presentation, talking to a friend to ask him or her about a new movie I want to go to.
It’s true, sometimes we have to spend a lot of time in front of a computer because we have to find information for papers or presentations we have at school and this can take time because on the internet we can find a lot of things and it can be difficult to choose between one thing and another.
But sometimes, between the search for information and the paper writing, one of our friends can tell us via messenger that he has just discovered a new game and he is sending it to us so we try it as well. At that moment we leave the paper aside and try the new game that is quite interesting. So, until we’ve killed all the monsters is almost midnight and tomorrow we have to wake up at six to go to school. The next day the same thing can happen.
To draw a line between necessity and addiction is sometimes very difficult especially if we talk about something that it is not at all harmful from the beginning like alcohol, cigarettes or drugs. As long as we think that computers are useful and we remember that there is a time for going out, for spending time with friends, riding bicycles or eating ice-cream and also, remember there is a time when we can play a computer game but not until dawn because we also have other duties as teenagers we can properly enjoy technology. 

marți, 20 martie 2012

Car dealers

The project happened last semester and was realized by the students of the form X A. Each of them turned into car dealers and tried to "sell" a car to their classmates. The entire project was funny and entertaining.
Sorry I couldn't attach more pictures, these are the only ones I could save, though I've had some more appealing ones.

Reflective essay--exercices

1. Write essays based on the plans below. Do not write more than 500 words. Construiţi eseuri pe baza planurilor de mai jos. Nu scrieţi mai mult de 500 cuvinte:
Title: The sea
Type: descriptive-reflective
Main idea: people have different attitudes concernind the sea, according to circumstances.
-          travelling
-          this is a watery planet; therefore, we have more water than land
-          holiday; cruise
-          the sea means life
-          water provides food
-          minerals
-          it is also the home of many creatures
-          source of mystery
-          the sea is a blue immensity
-          the sea, in its general understanding, refers to the Pacific Ocean: immensity
-          the Pacific Ocean seen from outer space
-          this is a watery planet we are living in
-          Man’s attitude towards water depends on the circumstances
-          in the past, water meant the unknown ad people were afraid to face it
-          at present, people are not so scared any longer; still, humans have much to learn
-          different people have different opinions concerning the sea: those living close to it (islanders, for instance) love it, respect it, as it is their source of life and food; those living far inland see it as a mystery
-          the average person connects it to holidays
-          scientists study water – exploration, source of minerals, food, life and death, creatures living on the bottom of the sea, mysteries buried there
-          the sea represents a challenge
-          regardless of attitude, perhaps the sea contains the solution to many of our greatest problems.

Title: Greatness
Type: abstract
Main Idea: ordinary men and women are capable of greatness
-          when thinking about great men and women one word comes to our mind: achievement
-          we are accustomed to measure greatness in terms of achievement
-          this idea could be wrong – ordinary people can be great, too
-          achievement: great names in various fields (arts, science, history etc.): da Vinci, Michelangelo, Magellan, Shakespeare, Pasteur etc. – they are great not only for themselvesas individuals, but also for what they did
-          what is a “great” life?  - enjoyment of work and play; qualities of tolerance, consideration, understanding, peace of mind etc.
-          difficult to achieve because it requires deep understanding of oneself and one’s place in the world
-          achievement can be attained in ordinary life by ordinary people, too: careers, family life, happiness – a combination of them is the key
-          seen in this light, it is possible for certain ordinary men and women to lead “great” lives
-          they will not be remembered for their achievements in arts or science, but this makes them no less great.

2. Choose from the title below to plan and write one essay of between 600 and 700 words. Take special care to interpret the topic and establish the type of your essay. Alegeţi unul dintre titlurile de mai jos pentru a planifica şi redacta un eseu de 600-700 cuvinte. Înainte de a începe interpretaţi subiectul şi stabiliţi tipul viitorului eseu:
On having a mind
On maturity
On human nature
On being an outcast
On having fights