As I have already anounced you during the class we had on Wednesday, this week, your homework is the following one. For this particular homework, you have the possibility to submit it either online, as a comment to this post, or on paper. This is up to you, but the deadline id the same for both ways. For further information, remember how to write a reflective essay.
I will not take into consideration the homework submitted later than this deadline
Thank you!
Choose from the title below to plan and write one essay of between 600 and 700 words. Take special care to interpret the topic and establish the type of your essay. Alegeţi unul dintre titlurile de mai jos pentru a planifica şi redacta un eseu de 600-700 cuvinte. Înainte de a începe interpretaţi subiectul şi stabiliţi tipul viitorului eseu:
I will not take into consideration the homework submitted later than this deadline
Thank you!
Choose from the title below to plan and write one essay of between 600 and 700 words. Take special care to interpret the topic and establish the type of your essay. Alegeţi unul dintre titlurile de mai jos pentru a planifica şi redacta un eseu de 600-700 cuvinte. Înainte de a începe interpretaţi subiectul şi stabiliţi tipul viitorului eseu:
On having a mind
On maturity
On human nature
On being an outcast
On having fights
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