Articolele(articles)- sunt de obicei scrise pentru ziare, reviste etc. La redactarea lor se ia în considerare în primul rând categoria adresanţilor, cititorii. De aceea, stilul folosit va fi cel informal, cu toate paricularităţile sale. Scopul principal este acela de a interesa şi atrage cititorul. Acest lucru este şi mai evident prin încercarea de a „vorbi” cu cititorul (adresare directă).
Titlul trebuie să aibă un impact puternic, este scurt şi prezintă în câteva cuvinte ştirea pe care întregul articol o dezbate mai pe larg, prin intermediul detaliilor, comentariilor, opiniilor şi citatelor.
Life without computer games? Computer games have been with us for years. For a lot of young people, they take up a significant amount of their free time. But are they a positive, or a negative thing? Would we be better off without them? Computer games can be a good thing in our lives. Not only that they are used for fun, but also they represent a way to relax, and forget about all our problems for a while. Why drink alcohol, or smoke dozens of cigarettes, which are unhealthy, when we can turn the computer on, and enter a virtual world? This is totally harmless! On the other hand, using it too doesn’t do us any favour: social life is in distress, as people refuse to quit their games. Because of that computers can turn its users into addictives! So, in the end, like many things, this is a question of balance. If used for short periods of time, computer games are funny, relaxing, entertaining, and even training. |
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RăspundețiȘtergereby Cumpanici Alexandru