Povestirile (stories)- se scriu de obicei pentru reviste, ziare, sau alte tipuri de publicaţii. Se adresează unei anumite categorii de cititori, principalul lor scop fiind acela de a atrage. Ca şi articolele, povestirile folosesc adresarea orală (deci stilul informal), fiind mai personale, subiective. Acest lucru este posibil mai ales prin scrierea la persoana I, inserarea explicaţiilor, gândurilor, sentimentelor, experienţelor, părerilor autorului, etc.
Pentru redactarea unei povestiri de calitate trebuie luate în considerare următoarele aspecte:
- alternarea diferitelor timpuri verbale, pentru a mări interesul şi pentru a da detalii complexe
- folosirea conectorilor pentru a crea paragrafe interesante
- folosirea unui vocabular variat
- cunoaşterea în amănunţime a subiectului pe care se bazează povestirea, pentru a da nota de autenticitate
- plasarea unui final interesant
A strange experience
My friend Tom had invited me to spend a week at his grandparents’ home in a small village by the lake. Tom and I have been good friends for years, but I had never met his entire family, so I accepted gladly. Two days before the „big trip”, I was seeing myself lying in the sun and fishing.
After fancying so much, we finally got there in the evening. We all had dinner together and I was really enjoying myself. Tom’s grandparents told us some fantastic stories about the ghosts who were supposed to live in that old house.
After that it was bed time. Tom showed me to my room, told me „good night”, and promissed me that we would go fishing the next day. I climbed into the bed. It was very cold and dark.
Then I heard a strange scratching noise. I was terrified. I knew it was the ghost of the house, and I was waiting for it to appear every moment. I lay awake all night. I couldn’t move and I couldn’t sleep in case the ghost decided to pay me a visit and talk to me.
In the morning at breakfast, Tom’s grandparents asked me if the mice in the roof had kept me awake. Imagine how silly and embarrassed I felt!
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