marți, 20 martie 2012


Rapoartele (reports)- sunt nişte documente, de cele mai multe ori scurte, care se înmânează unor şefi etc. Acestea prezintă nişte date, dau detalii despre circumstanţele în care au avut loc anumite evenimente, sau chiar  rezultatele unor cercetări. Paragrafele sunt aceleaşi ca la scrisori (introducere, cuprins, încheiere) şi sunt clare şi concise, bine evidenţiate de titluri. În introducere se arată motivul redactării raportului (evaluare, prezentare, detaliere, descriere a unor evenimente). Cuprinsul arată situaţia, iar în încheiere sunt, de obicei, câteva recomandări.. Stilul folosit este formal.
The aim of this report is to present the results of a survey on young people and their attitudes towards restaurants.
Present Situation
A total of 80% of all those who took part in the survey said they went to a restaurant more than twice a week, 50% once a week, and only 12% stated they went in a restaurant every once in a while. When asked why they chose restaurants, the main reasons were a) taste, b) speed, and c) cosiness. On the other hand, there are only a few people who prefer cooking in their own kitchens.
Conclusion and recommendations
Restaurants are very popular among people, especially those living in crowded towns. Consequently, I feel that it is important to continue the  education of people  to go to a restaurant and eat healthy food during their lunch breaks rather than have a burger, or other fast foods, which are not healthy at all.

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