marți, 20 martie 2012


1.      Give the paragraph a title, then complete the spaces with possible linking expressions. Daţi un titlu paragrafelor următoaer, apoi completaţi spaţiile cu cuvinte sau expresii de legătură:
First of all we visited the Eiffel tower…………………………………………….. we went to the Louvre and saw the Mona Lisa…………………………………………. we went shopping and bought lots of presents for the rest of the family……………………………….. we had a fantastic meal in the restaurant you loved so much before catching the train home.

It is great there! You should see it! The pyramids are charming…………………………… there are other interesting things to see, such as museums, ancient houses, etc. …………………..
…………………….. I visited the Cairo, as I told you I was interested to see it: it’s fantastic!
2. Create two paragraphs using the following connectors. Give them titles.  Creaţi două paragrafe folosind următorii conector. Daţi-le titluri:
first of all, when, before, in fact, but, in conclusion, similarly.


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