Study the meanings of the following phrasal verbs, and do the exercices. Studiaţi sensurile următoarelor verbe cu prepoziţii obligatorii şi rezolvaţi exerciţiile:
A. To break~
~away- leave suddenly, run away unexpectadly (a pleca brusc, a fugi pe neaşteptate)
~down- distroy, defeat (a sfărâma, distruge, învinge)
~forth- to spread (a împrăştia)
~in-interrupt, tame, interfere (a întrerupe, dresa, îmblânzi, interveni)
~into- start suddenly(a începe brusc)
~off- tear apart, undo (a rupe, sfăşia, desface)
~out- to burst, begin, unbound (a izbucni, începe, dezlănţui)
Underline the right preposition. Subliniaţi prepoziţia corectă din paranteză:
They broke(away, off, in) their engagement only two days before. The war may break (forth, into, out) any moment now. If you want to come to your place again, you must break (down, out, in) your dog. The car broke (off, out, down) in the middle of nowhere, and we couldn’t find help. When hearing the news, she broke (out, into, in) tears. Please, don’t break the news (forth, in, away) until I check it. I thought she was living here, but now I see she broke (away, off, out) last night.
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