1. Rewrite the following sentences as questions, or negatives, according to the instructions. Rescrieţi următoarele propoziţii ca interogaţii sau negaţii, după cerinţele din paranteză:
Ex. I must go to the hospital tonight. (negative).
I don’t have to go to the hospital tonight.
Tom can play the violin.(interrogative)
Can Tom play the violin?
a. Mark can pay for us.(interrogative)……………………………………………………………
b. We must go to the passport office today. (negative)……………………………………………
c. We can go to the bank tomorrow. (negative interrogative)……………………………………..
d. You should phone your parents now (negation)………………………………………………..
e. You can answer all the questions (interrogative)………………………………………………
f. She can talk to Dan for me (negative)…………………………………………………………
g. We must give them the money (negative interrogative)………………………………………
h. He must stay indoors today (negative)………………………………………………………….
i. They can stay here for a week (interrogative)…………………………………………………
j. We must say good bye to him now (interrogative)……………………………………………
2. Rewrite the following sentences using may or might. Where two answers are possible, write them both. Rescrieţi propoziţţile următoare folosind may sau might. Dacă sunt posibile două răspunsuri, daţi-le pe amândouă:
Ex. Maybe he’ll get a new job. He may/might get a new job.
Do you think I could have a cake? May I have a cake?
a. Maybe there’s some more tea in the pot………………………………………………………..
b. Would you mind if I asked how old you are?................................................................................
c. Visitors are not allowed to stay in the hospital after 5 p.m……………………………………..
d. Do you think I could have a sandwich?.......................................................................................
e. I think the car is in the car park…………………………………………………………………
f. Is it all right if I use your phone?.................................................................................................
g. Maybe it’ll rain today…………………………………………………………………………..
h. Maybe she’ll be elected………………………………………………………………………...
i. There’s a possibility that the show will be cancelled…………………………………………..
j. Guests are not allowed to wear casual dress……………………………………………………
3. Write didn’t need to or needn’t have and the correct form of the verb to complete these sentences. Completaţi propoziţiile următoare cu didn’t need to sau needn’t have şi cu forma corectă a verbelor din paranteză:
Ex. I(catch) the bus this morning, because Jane gave me a lift.
I didn’t need to catch the morning this morning, because Jane gave me a lift.
I(lend) him that book. I found out later he had already borrowed it from Susan.
I needn’t have lent him the book.
a. I (do) that homework; the teacher didn’t even look at it.
b. I (take) a tent, because I knew I could hire one at my arrival there.
c. You (buy) such an expensive present, but I’m glad you did.
d. I (take) any money: they had already told me it wasn’t necessary.
e. I had some friends in the town, so I (stay) in a hotel.
4. Rewrite the sentences so that they contain the word in capitals. Rescrieţi propoziţiile în aşa fel încât să conţină cuvintele scrise cu majuscule:
Ex. It’s typical of him to behave like that. WOULD
He would behave like that all the time.
a. He is supposed to have left by now SHOULD
b. I wonder why you need to go there SHOULD
c. He refused to give me any information WOULDN’T
d. It is wrong if you keep eating so much SHOULDN’T
e. I know you are right, but that’s no reason to contradict him MAY
f. Why didn’t you tell me you owed him so much money? MIGHT
g. I am sure he succeeded in his attempt MUST
………………………………………………………………………………………………………h. I am sure she is his daughter MUST
5. Translate into English. Traduceţi în engleză:
E posibil să nu vină diseară la întâlnire
N-ar trebui să fii îngrijorat din cauza ei, pentru că e sănătoasă
Nu trebuie să luăm avionul, dacă un vrei. Putem merge cu trenul.
Nu trebuie să uiţi de programarea la dentist.
El şi-ar fi putut lua concediu în vara asta.
Cu ani în urmă, mi-ar fi plăcut să întâlnesc un om ca tine.
Trebuie să ai experienţă ca să poţi solicita acest post.
Ea n-ar fi putut spune una ca asta.
………………………………………………………………………………………………………Ar trebui să te gândeşti de două ori înainte de a lua o asemenea decizie.
Dacă ţi-ai făcut temele poţi să te uiţi la televizor.
6. Decide which modal verb best completes the space. The same verb may be used in more than one sentence. Completaţi propoziţiile următoare cu verbul modal corect. Un verb poate fi folosit în mai multe propoziţii:
ought to, would, should, could, must, may
a. I really…………………to go on a diet. I’ve put on much weight.
b. I…………never speak to someone like that.
c. The doctor says you………….stay at home and rest as much as possible.
d. It………….have been Tom that parked the car like that. He’s the only one who has a car.
e. Please………..I leave now?
f. You really…………….to see a dentist if that tooth is giving you a hard time.
g. ……………I do that? It’s really annoying!
h. He asked me if I ………….play the violin.
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