marți, 20 martie 2012

Communicative Functions of the language

A exprima şi descoperi atitudini/emoţii(a exprima şi a solicita o opinie, a exprima motive, a accepta şi refuza o ofertă/ invitaţie, a exprima obligaţia/interdicţia de a face ceva, a trage concluzii, a exprima opinii personale, a exprima o dorinţă/necesitate, a exprima preferinţele, a exprima intenţia, a folosi stilul formal/informal, a da sfaturi, a cere scuze).
Do you like...?
Yes, I like it very much
No, I don’t like it at all!
It’s great!It’s awful!
It’ s interesting...
That’s amazing!/extraordinary!
I’d choose...
Do you agree with me when I say that...?
Right1/Too true!/You’re absolutely right!
I absolutely agree with...
Oh, quite/ exactly/definitely...
That’s precisely my opinion...
Mm/yes?/Could be...but...
True, but don’t you think...?
Possibly, but you must admit...
I see what you mean, but...
That’s one way of looking at it, but...
Yes, but on the other hand...
I agree in principle/on the whole, but...
Nonsense!/ No way! /Never!
You must be joking!
I’m afraid I disagree with...
I’m afraid I can’t accept...
I see things rather differently(myself)
What do you think/feel about...?
I agree with you/ I don’t agree...
I think/believe/feel...
You should...
If I were you, I’d...
I’d prefer...
I’d rather...
I wish...
I think it would be better...
You’d better...
I would suggest that...
To my mind...
It strikes me that...
I’m totally opposed to...
I’m in favour of...
It seems to me that...
On balance, I’d say that...
I feel very strongly that...
I’m absolutely convinced that...
I tend to think that...
There’s no point in...(-ing)
I think it’s worth...(-ing)
They say that..., but I...
It is believed that...but...
People think...but what they do not realise is...
Contrary to what is believed, I would say that...
Will you come to...?/How about...?
I would be glad to...
I’m sorry, I don’t think I can...
I’m busy with...
I will definitely be there...
I’d love to...
I’ll surely miss...
It’ll be my pleasure to...
I hate...(-ing)
I dislike...(-ing)
I’m not in favour of...(-ing)
I’m not a total supporter of...
May I...?/Must I...?
I  must/may...
It’s not totally necessary to...
It’s compulsory to...
It’s absolutely necessary to...
I’m forced to...
I have to...
I don’t have to.../needn’t...
Exerciţii aplicative
Sort 8 of the above expressions on two columns, according to their degree of formality. Selectaţi 8 din expresiile de mai sus pe două coloane, după gradul de formalitate:
I absolutely agree with...

I like it!

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