marți, 20 martie 2012

Phrasal verbs

 Study the meanings of the following phrasal verbs, and do the exercices. Studiaţi sensurile următoarelor verbe cu prepoziţii obligatorii şi rezolvaţi exerciţiile:
To come~
~about- to happen, take place (a se întâmpla, a avea loc)
~across- to meet, run into( a întâlni, a da peste)
~along- go on, continue the way (a merge mai departe, a-şi continua drumul)
~apart- to break, tear apart (a se rupe, sparge, sfăşia, rupe în bucăţi)
~around/round to- to visit (a vizita pe cineva)
~at- to establish, clear something up (a stabili, a lămuriceva, a junge la o concluzie)
~back- to return (a reveni, a se întoarce)
~down- to arrive (a sosi)
~for- to come get something (a veni după ceva/cineva)
~from- arrive from (a sosi din, veni din, a ieşi din)
~in- to enter, arrive (a intra, a sosi)
~into- get in ( a intra în)
~of- originate from (a fi originar din, a se trage din)
~on- to appear (a-şi face apariţia)
~out- to clear something (a reieşi, a fi ceva clar)
~over- to get closer (a se apropia)
Underline the right preposition. Subliniaţi prepoziţia corectă din paranteză:
Please, come(round, over, down), so that I could see you better! When reading these old papers, I came(over, at, across) an interesting letter. She told her husband that she only came (for, out, back) for her staff, anf then she should be gone. The minute we came(on, down, along) their town, they were glad to receive us. Their marriage might come (apart, off, over) if they cannot solve their problems. Read this article: it clearly comes(on, into, out) that our economy is in distress.Please, come(down, in, into) and have a seat; my sister will be here in a minute. This is the first thing that comes(in, into, on) my mind. When I come(back, down, round), I want you to have your homework done. If I have time, I’ll come(on, around, over) to have a girls’ chat.

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