marți, 20 martie 2012

THE ADVERB--exercices

1. Insert the given adverbs in the correct places. Puneţi  adverbele din paranteză la locul potrivit în propoziţie:
Ex. Tom did this to throw us off the track (deliberately).
Tom did this deliberately to throw us off the track.
a. When I got off the train, I could find no one (in the morning; early)
b. He had lost his watch and began looking for it (the day before; slowly and with no result)
c. She will go (at eight o’clock; to school; in the morning; by bus)
d. She hasn’t been (to England; before)
2. Write the correct form of the adverbs in the following sentences. Daţi forma corectă a adverbelor din următoarele propoziţii:
Ex. She works…harder…….. than all the others(hard)
a. Of all the machines, this one works the………………(good).
b. Couldn’t you drive a bit…………………?(careful).
c. I can’t understand:will you speak………………………..?(clear).
d. Do you think they acted……………………than the other time?(stupid).
e. I think I understand……………… than he does (good).
f. They all behaved badly, but Tina behaved the ………………………….(bad).
g. Susan climbed …………………..than the others (fast).
h. She gets up …………………….than everybody in the house(early).
3. Fill in the blanks with rather and fairly. Completaţi spaţiile goale cu rather şi fairly:
This dish is a. ………………tasty, but the other one is  ……………….disgusting.
Isn’t it a b.………………. extreme view to take?
I told he got c.………………angry because you had been skipping classes.
I d.…………… his performance.
She draws e.…………………..well.
4. Put the adverbs in the brackets in the right degree of comparison. Puneţi adverbele din paranteză la forma corectă de comparaţie:
Do it (slowly) a. ………………….. than you usually do. Please, drive (fast) b. …………………. so that we may catch the plane. Of all the students, Sarah performed (little) c.…………………. Of  the two, Dan solved the problem (inventively) d. ………………. Which of you three can work (well)? e. ..................... He went (far) f.……………… than I did. She questioned my good will (disgustingly) f. ……………….. He always arrives (late) g.……………… than they do. This month, he worked (much) h.………………….. and he got(little) i. ……….. than he expected.
5. Underline the right form. Subliniaţi forma corectă:
Ex. The flowers smell sweet/sweetly.
a. I went by the rules close/closely.
b. They dug deep/deeply. Easy/easily come, easy/easily go.
c. Did they treat her fari/fairly?
d. I could hard/hardly make out what she was saying.
e. I want him just/justly punished.
f. The shop-assistant dresses pretty/prettily.
g. We right/rightly wish her the best.
h. The door will be wide/widely open.

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