marți, 20 martie 2012

Reflective essay--exercices

1. Write essays based on the plans below. Do not write more than 500 words. Construiţi eseuri pe baza planurilor de mai jos. Nu scrieţi mai mult de 500 cuvinte:
Title: The sea
Type: descriptive-reflective
Main idea: people have different attitudes concernind the sea, according to circumstances.
-          travelling
-          this is a watery planet; therefore, we have more water than land
-          holiday; cruise
-          the sea means life
-          water provides food
-          minerals
-          it is also the home of many creatures
-          source of mystery
-          the sea is a blue immensity
-          the sea, in its general understanding, refers to the Pacific Ocean: immensity
-          the Pacific Ocean seen from outer space
-          this is a watery planet we are living in
-          Man’s attitude towards water depends on the circumstances
-          in the past, water meant the unknown ad people were afraid to face it
-          at present, people are not so scared any longer; still, humans have much to learn
-          different people have different opinions concerning the sea: those living close to it (islanders, for instance) love it, respect it, as it is their source of life and food; those living far inland see it as a mystery
-          the average person connects it to holidays
-          scientists study water – exploration, source of minerals, food, life and death, creatures living on the bottom of the sea, mysteries buried there
-          the sea represents a challenge
-          regardless of attitude, perhaps the sea contains the solution to many of our greatest problems.

Title: Greatness
Type: abstract
Main Idea: ordinary men and women are capable of greatness
-          when thinking about great men and women one word comes to our mind: achievement
-          we are accustomed to measure greatness in terms of achievement
-          this idea could be wrong – ordinary people can be great, too
-          achievement: great names in various fields (arts, science, history etc.): da Vinci, Michelangelo, Magellan, Shakespeare, Pasteur etc. – they are great not only for themselvesas individuals, but also for what they did
-          what is a “great” life?  - enjoyment of work and play; qualities of tolerance, consideration, understanding, peace of mind etc.
-          difficult to achieve because it requires deep understanding of oneself and one’s place in the world
-          achievement can be attained in ordinary life by ordinary people, too: careers, family life, happiness – a combination of them is the key
-          seen in this light, it is possible for certain ordinary men and women to lead “great” lives
-          they will not be remembered for their achievements in arts or science, but this makes them no less great.

2. Choose from the title below to plan and write one essay of between 600 and 700 words. Take special care to interpret the topic and establish the type of your essay. Alegeţi unul dintre titlurile de mai jos pentru a planifica şi redacta un eseu de 600-700 cuvinte. Înainte de a începe interpretaţi subiectul şi stabiliţi tipul viitorului eseu:
On having a mind
On maturity
On human nature
On being an outcast
On having fights

5 comentarii:

  1. nice work!

    by Iacob Paula

  2. Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.

  3. Holidays

    The holiday is a mod for relaxations and to explore some place from the world.
    You need ambitions and courage for new places and inaccessible. The holiday can be use like a mod of relaxations, to meet the loved people:family, friends , but also to visit foreign lands or natural parks from all over the world.
    You cand spend your holiday home with friends, or you cand go at country at the grandparents to visit them, or you can spend your vacantion at the beach. Besides relaxing, in holiday you can do many interesting things such as:entertainment, carousing, picnics, partys, walkings, to play football, bascketball , in a few words, to relax in a beautiful place and fun . In holiday every one chooses to go to sea, or in another countries, but another chose is to spend the holiday with loved people, into a word, the family. You feel comfortable and know they are surrounded by family and many beautiful moments. I think the holiday is the most beautiful time for childrens. They don't go to school and they don't need to wake early in every day. Is a beautiful think because they can play from the morning to evening, to make excursions etc.

    In my last last holiday I wented to go in Italy to my godparents but I couldn't get because I had serious personal problems. I had the opportunity to go in Spain to my friends out there, but they had to work and I preferred to stay home in Romania and I was at my grandparents in the countryside and we spent beautiful couple of days with my friends over there.

    I hope in my next vacation to have better luck and go into the places where I proposed to go and to visit it.

  4. Holiday
    In general the holiday is for relaxation after a more of less hard year of school. There are 3 months to do just what do you want, but this is not always how do you really want. After 3 weeks if you don't have any money you will be very bored and you need to do something to breathe and never is to late try something. Is very important to have the ages appropiate and you need to know what do yo want to do and what do you like it and you need a little luck to catch a chanse to make the money fast(smart).
    In any holiday that i had did nothing special. In every holiday i struggled to do money from video games, making sites,servers, blogs and sometimes selling homeworks on internet. My mother is almost always sick but i don't judge this, but because of this i'm locked in my house and i can't do nothing, or the money can be the really problem and sometimes i'm really angry because of this.
    In this holiday i'm was in Spain and not because i wanted, i just was forced to do that. I have chosen France, but my dad is there. The time spent at the airport made me smoke to much cigarettes. I try to sleep in airplane, because i see that into a lot of movies but i can't because was the first time for me and i'm was scare. When i landed i'm was very confused because i don't know anybody. I have luck with a very sweet girl(i do the stupid to give her my phone number and after that is was very stressful for me) who helped me to take the subway to get to the terminal. There i meet my dad after 13 years, but i recognised him. He took me to his house were after i eat some stupit spanish food i want to cry but i can't because that was not the first time when i' m was alone, without friends and thrown from side to side. Next morning i'm was very alone, my father was out and i'm was bored. After he comes i take the train to explore the Madrid. Romania is very clean compared with Spain. The people is very stupid and are not willings like in romania and all the girls are ugly. I learned to walk alone in all city, now i know all streets.I make there some friends but they are to stupids to use their brain. In next days i attended at a Spanish Fiesta, this is some kind a event, very boring for me, nothing to see compared with ....anything else. In one of these days i saw the Pope of Roma. He just came out and waved from a balcony. I saw a bullfighting in which all people scream like animals and I think cuze the sweat of peoples kill the bull and that was very disgusting for me. All these actions happened at 45 degrees where a simple mouse can die on a road. All the people of Spain loves the technology, but i think cuze they are to stupid to use it. All have BlackBerry, iPhones and to much androids but they are use the smartphones just cuze are very expansive.
    After 3 weeks i come back in Romania with no regrets and i'm was very glad to see my brother and all who think cuze they are my friends.


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